1) Horses with no NRHA or BGRHA earnings or breed points (i.e., AQHA)
prior to the current year. Competition license not required.
2) Any rider may exhibit. No membership requirements.
3) May stay in the class until the end of the year.
Rules during showing
1) Horse may be ridden with one or two
hands, providing the rider remains consistent throughout the run with his or her
initial choice.
2) Horse may be ridden in any NRHA-approved bit.
3) All other NRHA rules apply.
1) Jackpot payouts based on NRHA scale.
2) No year-end award.
This BGRHA program is for riders who are new to reining. Green Reiners
will have the opportunity to progress toward NRHA competition based on points
earned. It is estimated that Green Reiners will stay in the program 2-3
Earning Points
1) Riders receive points based on a base score of 60. For
example, a score of 64 would earn 4 points.
2) Riders may use any horse in BGRHA classes.
3) Green Reiner 1 riders may ride in Green Reiner 1 & 2 classes.
Green Reiner 2 classes may not ride in Green Reiner 1 classes.
4) Riders may earn points in other classes (Green Horse, Ladies,
Youth, Rookie) toward Green Reiner awards. However, 75% of the points must
be earned in Green Reiner classes in order to be eligible for awards.
5) Riders may transfer points from other reinings with the signature of
that club's secretary and a $5/show transfer fee.
6) Points earned as non-members will be counted when the rider joins BGRHA.
1) Green Reiner 1 riders are those who have earned less than 30 points
at the beginning of the current year.
2) Green Reiner 2 riders are those who have earned more than 30 but less
than 60 points at the beginning of the current year.
3) Riders may stay in their class throughout the year, regardless of the
number of points they earn during the year.
4) Since no points were awarded prior to 2001, riders in 2001 will enter the
program based on their eligibility according to 2000 rules.
5) Membership in BGRHA or NRHA is not required to show in Green Reiner
classes. However, membership in BGRHA is required to be eligible for
Rules during showing
1) Horse may be ridden with one or two
hands, providing the rider remains consistent throughout the run with his or her
initial choice.
2) Horse may be ridden in any NRHA-approved bit.
3) All other NRHA rules apply.
1) No payouts for Green Reiner classes. First, second, &
third place ribbons will be awarded.
2) Riders graduating from Green Reiner 1 (30 points) will receive a plaque
at the next awards dinner.
3) Riders graduating from Green Reiner 2 (60 points) will receive a trophy
buckle at the next awards dinner.
4) Year-end awards for the top rider in each class will be determined by
the same system as for all other classes. (Riders receive 1 point for
riding and 1 point for every member rider they beat. One horse-one rider
rule applies here.)
Note: Green Reiner 1 & 2 will
run as separate classes, separated by one other class. This will allow
riders in Green 1 to decide if they want to go in the Green 2 class prior to the
draw. (The draw will take place at the beginning of the class BEFORE Green
2. Since there is only one class between Green 1 & 2, riders who have
not already entered Green Reiner 2 will need to do so quickly.)
BGRHA reserves the right to adjust the
points for each class as necessary based on ongoing experience. (This is a
new program for 2001.)